Mid-Winter greetings from all over Antarctica...

...the Sub-Antarctic, and even a mid-summer greeting from our friends at Summit Station in Greenland. Hannah, who I've mentioned in previous posts, left on the last ship to go work summer season at Summit. In a previous post I explained the tradition of sending mid-winter greetings to all the stations on the continent that have people during the winter, and showed you the one we sent out. Here are all the greetings that we've received. They were all accompanied by wonderful emails wishing us all the best. One thing this really impressed upon me was how we're all just Antarcticans while we're here. What country we come from really doesn't matter, and we're all looking out for each other, doing good science. We've helped with medical evacuations while I've been here that have included Ukrainian, US, UK, and Chilean bases, US ships, and Chilean/Argentinian planes. No questions asked, just help out to get it done. As I watch what seems like the US and ...